Do, 25.04, Free Beer and Pizza Mo, 29.04. First meeting Do, 09.05. Introduction to SCRUM Mo, 13.05. Second meeting Do, 16.05. Powerpoint Karaoke Fr, 24.05. Retreat Weekend Sa, 25.05. Retreat Weekend So, 26.05. Retreat Weekend Mo, 27.05. Third meeting Sa, 01.06. Weekend of IEEE So, 02.06. Weekend of IEEE Mo, 03.06. Profs in Person w/ Prof. Fraser Di, 04.06. IEEExplore Workshop Do, 13.06. jetBrains Kotlin Talk Mo, 17.06. Fourth meeting Do, 27.06. Rust by Fabian Mo, 01.07. Fifth meeting Fr, 05.07. Weekend of Code Sa, 06.07. Weekend of Code So, 07.07. Weekend of Code Di, 09.07. Hochschulwahlen, Faculty Barbeque ~ Profs in Person w/ Prof. Rutter Mo, 15.07. Sixth/last meeting, elections ? Do, 18.07. Tools für dein SEP ? ~ KW 45, 46 Mitte November IoT Workshop, 9 - 15 Uhr Do, 14.11. SuperMUC Talk Crytek Talk im WS?